mR b    23 Jul 2023 : 23:23
 None    Game Server


ALT Timer (Vote)

ALT Timer (Vote)

Due to the community vote regarding the ALT timer it will now be turned off during the week and reactivated during raid hours.

KOS Rules (currently)

You can kill if.
  • If you see someone/group out and about and they fire on you, you can defend yourself.
  • If its an agreed PVP.
  • You are hunting a bounty.

That's all there is atm anything else you think we should add let us know either with a suggestions ticket or a DM.


We are only trialling the KOS atm the idea was to try to get people out of there bases during the week we had many people just building bases sitting behind walls farming NPC's never going out.

We will put it back up for a vote see what people want Shortly.

This news item is from Chillout DayZ